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Fading Suns: Spies & Revolutionaries


Notes from the Interstellar Underground

Blur suits and wireblades now complement the cloaks and daggers of the past. In the 51st century, spies are a necessary evil. Without their deft fieldwork and cunning intelligence, noble reigns would topple and guild monopolies crumble. Although small in number and incognito in guise, these spies daily betray trusts, seed lies and mistruths, steal high-tech secrets and even poison rivals -- all in pursuit of their patronsÕ power. Even the Church plays these games of death and deceit, using ill-gotten secrets to sway their secular rivals -- or protect them from a greater darkness.

Anarchists and discontents lurk in these same shadows, seeking to topple the current order and replace it with their own. Whether they dream of a new golden age and an escape from tyranny or a new reign of terror with themselves at the top, these revolutionary groups are a threat to anyone in power. Only the noble, guild and Church intelligence agencies can possibly protect the common folk from the machinations of these rebels and terrorists.

Spies & Revolutionaries is the first volume in the Secret Societies series. Herein, Sir Chamon Mazarin, the Emperor's spymaster, presents dossiers on a plethora of underground organizations throughout the Known Worlds, from spies to terrorists and revolutionaries. This book also includes essays on the history and methodology of spying, tips for gamemastering espionage dramas and epics, and an appendix detailing some of the tools of the spy trade.

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File Last Updated:
June 22, 2004
This title was added to our catalog on June 22, 2004.