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Trailer Park Shark Attack!Click to magnify

Trailer Park Shark Attack!


UPDATED for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition!

The trailer park is flooded with sharks! Can you survive? Pick a character at random. If you get chewed in half by a shark, pick another ‘Parker and keep playing.

TPSA! is a disaster shark adventure designed for use with Savage Worlds. This three-scenario adventure comes with printable tabletop maps, paper-shark minis, and 24 pre-generated character cards ready for printing and assembling the character deck. Once you sink your teeth into it, you can play Trailer Park Shark Attack! again and again.

In this fast, furious and fun adventure the GM gets to pick from three different scenarios and various scenes, complications and dilemmas to make your own special adventure in a flooded trailer park.

The adventure includes 8 incidents that the GM can weave into any of the three scenarios. Also, the Scavenging rules give the characters (we call them 'Parkers) a chance to find useful items in the flooded park. That is, 'Parkers willing to brave the shark-infested waters.

You can’t swim? You might wanna start sayin’ your prayers. 

This product contains the updated version for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (DHR3002SW) as well as the original version for Savage Worlds Deluxe (DHR3000SW). Latest update includes improved DIY VTT transparent artwork and DIY VTT-friendlier Flood maps!

DHR is an Ace licensee publisher for Savage Worlds. 

TPSA! comes with the following:

  • A Checklist that lists all the documents and their purposes, from the adventure to character cards to maps
  • The main Adventure (35 pages)
  • Character Cards (now 2 pdfs; one with the original non-illustrated design and one with the new ILLUSTRATED cards for all 24 'Parkers).
  • Stat Cards for sharks, nonplayers, and vehicles (and paper minis for the sharks, total 27 pages) and GM Tools (11 pages)
  • 10 pdf files with Maps and Map Tiles designed for printing and assembling tabletop maps
  • 60 jpg maps, one for each full map or map tile element, for use in do-it-yourself virtual tabletop (DIY VTT) gaming
  • 26 transparent .png images for enhanced DIY VTT gaming and 2 new DIY VTT Flood maps 

Why did your trailer park flood? Why is it full of sharks? Make it to the end and find out!

Map and Tile examples for TPSA!

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Discussions (18)
Customer avatar
Ádám L November 11, 2024 5:48 pm UTC
Is there a way to get the character art in a VTT friendly format? (I would even be up to spend some cash on it). I am trying to set this up in Foundry, and I would love to include the original art of course.
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Christopher W November 12, 2024 1:56 pm UTC
Hi, thanks for the question. We have VTT tokens for all the 'Parkers in the original game, Sharkano, and all the 'Parker Packs.
As it happens, we just started our Sharksgiving sale today on DriveThru so take a look. Providing the bundle link, but individual pdfs are discounted at the time of this post.
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Kevin S May 24, 2024 3:55 pm UTC
any plans for a pod, for this one?
Customer avatar
Christopher W May 25, 2024 1:58 pm UTC
Good question, and the short answer is "maybe."
Back when we published the TPSA! zip file for SWADE, we weren't well-versed in POD production, and the quality wasn't as good as it is now. So we combined a bunch of pdfs into one zip file for the game.
We would need to rework all of those pdfs to put together one POD book—and some of those things won't work well as currently designed in a POD book (such as GM Tools and Shark paper minis, which would probably still need to be separate titles). Although Karl and I have considered doing the rework to produce a print-on-demand version of TPSA, that project hasn't made it to the top of our project list. We might still do it, but honestly, I couldn't say when that might become reality.
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Jeff B January 29, 2024 4:39 pm UTC
Would it be possible to get the file TPSA_SW_Character_Cards_2023.pdf layered with removable background to save toner? Thank you!
Customer avatar
Christopher W January 29, 2024 9:36 pm UTC
We didn't think layered versions were necessary because of the light tones in Karl's beautiful design, but of course we do understand the desire to save toner. So we're preparing a version with layers and will update them to the appropriate titles, in the next day or so.
Customer avatar
Jeff B January 30, 2024 6:06 pm UTC
Fantastic!! Thank you!!
Customer avatar
Christopher W January 31, 2024 10:23 pm UTC
We have updated this title with a layered PDF for the Illustrated Character Cards (2023 version), The content is the same as the Illustrated PDF added to this title in late 2023, but the PDF is now built with layers for printing options.
Customer avatar
Jeff B January 31, 2024 10:46 pm UTC
You guys are awesome! Thank you!!
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Christoph O August 21, 2023 4:27 pm UTC
Is it normal, that the download of the 1.1 GB Zip file is incredibly slow? Got a 1000mbit dl speed but after 10 minutes i only finished to download about 3 MB.
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Christopher W August 21, 2023 5:49 pm UTC
No, it's not normally slow. I've tested it myself before. Did it ever speed up and complete?
Customer avatar
Christoph O May 21, 2024 2:18 pm UTC
Thanks for your reply! It worked out in the end. Just had to restart the DL a couple of times. Probably some server issues or something :)
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Clint M May 24, 2023 1:16 pm UTC
Are the printed cards ( the updated SWADE versions? I am definitely going to buy the Trailer Park Shark Attack! adventure but I wanted to double check before adding the printed cards to my order.
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Christopher W May 24, 2023 1:28 pm UTC
Yes, the print-on-demand character cards have statistics for SWADE (true for all the titles in the bundle). It doesn't say "updated" because the printed cards were released after SWADE and were always designed for that version of Savage Worlds.
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Clint M May 24, 2023 1:49 pm UTC
Sounds good and thanks for the quick reply. Looking forward to running this for my local game store.
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Charles L April 13, 2023 6:43 pm UTC
I have bought and downloaded what looks to be the rules for TPSA and instead I only get the flat minis for the game. The link I purchased describes the game and the rules involved, but I don't get rules, only minis can you send me the correct link for the rules.
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Christopher W April 13, 2023 8:12 pm UTC
Hi Charles, first, thanks for purchasing DHR's TPSA! products.

We have several titles for TPSA!. If you purchased the title associated with this product page (253954/Trailer-Park-Shark-Attack), you should get an email from DriveThruRPG with links for these two files — and they should appear in the My Library list in your account: (a zip file containing numerous pdfs, and other files)
TPSA_SW_Character_Cards_Update1.pdf (an updated pdf of one of the original documents in the above zip file)

I have just verified that those two files are connected to this product page. Many customers have purchased this product and gotten links to those two files, including recently. If you didn't get links for those two files, something may have gone wrong with DriveThruRPG's purchase process. I just tested the process by "purchasing" this product and I received links to both of the above files in an email from DriveThruRPG.

I recommend you verify a...See more
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michael M October 09, 2022 12:56 pm UTC
Is there a Dungeon Crawl Classics version of the rules?
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Christopher W October 10, 2022 11:56 pm UTC
No, TPSA is currently available only for use with Savage Worlds.
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Ralf G May 17, 2020 8:47 am UTC
Really nice work. I am not allowed to review on DriveThru (=Publisher Account) but I wanted to compliment you. Also, I wrote a review on my home page:
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Christopher W May 17, 2020 2:08 pm UTC
Thanks for the kind words.
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Laszlo S October 09, 2019 7:30 pm UTC
Does it include VTT shark tokens? I only have the jumpstart yet, so I'm not sure. If I get this I'll be playing it online, so I'll need tokens.
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Christopher W October 12, 2019 2:24 pm UTC
Thanks for your question and sorry for the delayed reply. No, we didn't include VTT shark tokens, just the VTT maps themselves. In order to keep TPSA! under $10, tokens were one of the things that didn't make the initial cut. That said, it is an idea we are thinking about doing in a potential supplement so your question is helpful feedback. Meanwhile, we hope that you would find the rest of the full product worth the purchase price.
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Christopher W May 17, 2020 2:07 pm UTC
Updating as we released free VTT shark tokens in April 2020.
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Laszlo S May 19, 2020 8:06 pm UTC
Already have them, thanks a lot!
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Chad M September 02, 2019 11:39 pm UTC
This was an excellent adventure that plays on the shark tropes. I loved playing it and it was a lot of fun for the whole group!
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John J August 30, 2019 5:24 pm UTC
This was so much fun to play. I ran it for my son and his friends and they had a good time once they realized this was playing in a cheese-tastic SYFY movie. Lots of fun, lots of laughs. The genius is you can run this a dozen times and it can be a completely different game.
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Kevin D August 01, 2019 2:58 pm UTC
I have the JumpStart version so I bought this thinking I'd get the full version, but although it comes with the maps and the VTT files it is still the Jumpstart PDF :(
Customer avatar
Christopher W August 01, 2019 8:02 pm UTC
The new version comes with ALL three versions, the Jumpstart pdf is only one of the documents. I'm guessing that you didn't unzip the file.

In the '' download file (1GB), you should find a zip file called '' which has all 15 new pdfs for the SWADE version (including the SWADE adventure -- see the 'TPSA_SW_Checklist.pdf' for a list of all the pdfs -- and printable tabletop maps, character cards and shark stat cards and minis).

And in the '' you will find all 60 jpg versions of maps for use in VTT gameplay.
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Kevin D August 01, 2019 11:42 pm UTC
I found the maps and the VTT but missed the PDFs, I'll atke another look, thanks
Customer avatar
Christopher W August 02, 2019 8:00 pm UTC
Okay. Please do follow-up if you cannot find all 15 SWADE pdfs that are in the '' file. Feel free to use the "Contact" link for DHR to reach me directly and we'll figure it out.
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chris D August 26, 2020 7:35 pm UTC
I too had this issue. When I extracted the larger zip it didn't extract the swade zip and didn't notice this until I read this.
Not sure about the design reason for the file names but would it not be better served to rename the files to what they are for? Would make it a lot more clear if the SWADE zip was actually called SWADE and the SWD version had SWD in name. I just saw the note in the description page now about what zip file is called but if the zip files were named differently it would make it a whole lot clearer.
Other than that little gripe, love the product itself and enjoying the read. Hoping to maybe run one of the scenarios this weekend.
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Christopher W February 21, 2019 11:58 pm UTC
I purchased the full PDF - wow a lot of stuff (500MB+) for $9.99. However, I can't find the main thing I wanted to add to the jumpstart edition - figure flats specific to this game? I know there's a lot of "free" flats we can download, but would be nice to see actual versions of Drunk Uncle, Gun Nut, Exotic Dancer, Bubble Boy etc! Maybe the standees are buried in one of the PDF I haven't opened yet?
Customer avatar
Christopher W March 05, 2019 4:03 am UTC
Huh, Christopher W. replying to Christopher W. First, thanks for purchasing TPSA! You are a true chum. (You didn't think we could resist a shark pun, did you?)

No sir, you aren't missing the "flat" minis for the TPSA! characters. As you noted, there are free downloadable paper minis (another comment cited some) that we recommend for use. Producing paper minis for the 24 characters would be quite nice, we agree, but wasn't something we could pull off without increasing the cost and probably delaying the release of the product, neither of which we wanted to do.

That said, we have the development of expansion packs on our list of things to do (e.g., another scenario, more incidents, more characters ... and maybe paper minis for the TPSA! character deck). Maybe we will produce some original artwork paper minis for the 'Parkers if the demand is great enough.
Customer avatar
Christopher W April 13, 2023 2:25 pm UTC
As of this week, we now have two sets of Paper Minis for TPSA!
And Paper Minis for the existing 'Parker Packs are coming in the near future.
Customer avatar
Jeff B December 20, 2018 2:29 pm UTC
Any recommendations for PC minis/figure flats?
Customer avatar
Christopher W December 21, 2018 2:14 pm UTC
There are many options. Here are all the sources we have used ... all DriveThruRPG publishers/products.

DARKMOOK Paper Miniatures
FREE minis…
Free Survival Horror Hoard

Nick-Mall Santa

Occult Terrors Halloween Special 2010

Occult Terrors Halloween Special 2011

Survival Horror Occult Terrors Free Sampler 1

Tg-combat Specialist

For a small fee…
Survival Horror Set 2: Blood, Brains and Bikers more
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Jeff B December 31, 2018 10:57 pm UTC
Thank you, Christopher!
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Michael O November 15, 2018 3:36 am UTC
The Terrain and Vehicle Tiles pdf files don't seem to exist in the zip file. I have a bunch of individual jpgs but not the pdf versions.
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Christopher W November 15, 2018 1:40 pm UTC
We have tested the download ourselves several times and we do find the two "TPSA_Tiles" pdfs. A couple of other purchasers contacted us directly to report problems unzipping the complete set of files initially, but they were able to find all 75 files (15 pdfs and 60 jpgs) upon retry. And other purchasers have confirmed finding all 75 files. The pdf filenames are listed in the TPSA_SW_Checklist.pdf -- if you cannot find them after searching and retrying the download/unzip, please contact us directly or use the Contact Publisher link.
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Christopher W November 17, 2018 7:43 pm UTC
We have updated the product zip file. Purchasers should see an updated link in your download history.
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Michael O November 17, 2018 10:28 pm UTC
I want to thank you guys for your tireless customer service and excellent communication while resolving this problem. Thank you very much.
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Christopher W December 04, 2018 1:38 pm UTC
A belated "you're welcome." Thanks for your patience and for helping us test the updated download file.
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Karl K October 17, 2018 10:00 pm UTC
A link to the FREE preview to Trailer Park Shark Attack! can be seen here...
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File Last Updated:
February 21, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on October 17, 2018.