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Age of HannibalClick to magnify

Age of Hannibal


Age of Hannibal resolves the largest battles of antiquity in a single evening on limited table space and flexible basing. Unlike many other rule systems available for the period, Age of Hannibal acknowledges the critical nature of pre-battle strategy in ancient warfare, when commanders sought the best possible ground for their armies. An innovative terrain card system allows players to create unique battlefields, while also incorporating elements of scouting, flank marches, or possible ambushes. This pre-game action resolves quickly, allowing you to get to the battle, where you command vast armies of 50,000 men or more.

For players who would rather revisit a famous historical battle, many scenarios are already researched and available, as well as a full campaign system for map-based play. Age of Hannibal also includes a chapter on conducting sieges, enabling you to design your own citadel or recreate historical epics like Carthage or Syracuse!

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Maxime C December 27, 2023 9:43 pm UTC

I have several questions about the rules.

The rules seem to be missing a paragraph detailing all the bonuses given to the CF. You can tell from the detailed example, but the information is missing.

For shooting, the table goes up to 9+. Are there bonuses for shooting, or is it done at d10 and not at d8 like the rest of the resolutions?

For the retreat with 2 DMZ, it says that "any unit that cannot be interpenetrated", what happens when units can be interpenetrated (like with the roman drill trait for example)? Do the units overlap or does the retreating unit retreat until it's no longer interpenetrated?

I'm really looking forward to testing the game.

Thank you for your answers, and have a nice day.
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Matthew B June 01, 2023 11:06 pm UTC
I just purchased this on the basis that it has a "full campaign system for map based play" only to find it has no such thing in the contents or appendices. Have I misread the description? Is the campaign system available elsewhere?
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Alexander A August 24, 2023 11:14 pm UTC
You misread the description - a campaign system is free here:
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Mitchell N March 03, 2023 8:01 am UTC
do these rules also cover late republican roman and imperial roman periods?
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Alexander A August 24, 2023 11:11 pm UTC
They can definitely be used for those periods.
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Hema J September 02, 2022 10:54 am UTC
how to refund
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Hema J September 02, 2022 10:48 am UTC
Do you get it delivered to your place?
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Andrés F August 12, 2022 5:10 pm UTC
Has this PDF been updated to the recently released 2nd edition?
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Iain G August 14, 2022 6:22 pm UTC
Yup... If you have purchased it previously and click to re-download, (you don't have to pay again), you will see a 2nd edition tag in the bottom right of the cover page.
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Kevin M October 25, 2021 6:26 am UTC
Love the rules. Straight forward but preserves the flavour of the era.

If you like direct, low complexity rule sets that are encourage historical tactics, are balanced, fun to play and let you get on with the game - you'll probably enjoy this.
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Antoine B February 24, 2020 9:43 am UTC
Age of Hannibal is probably one of the most brilliant sets of Ancient rules I've seen in decades (and I read and played quite a lot from WRG 7 two DBA, DBM, Warmaster Ancients and so on).
Only 12 pages of rules (+ 4 pages of rules for sieges if you feel like Demetrios Poliorcetes). So why are the rules brilliant you may ask?
1. They are clearly written (though there's a few typo here or there, most notably in the Desinger's notes (sic))
2. They use a system very close to DBA/DBM for the melee: a d10+ modifiers, but there's no such things as "if and only, otherwise": If you score less than your opponent you get a demoralized (DMZ) marker, if your opponent scored a double, it's a kill. All troops have two DMZ levels. The third eliminates the unit.
3. The support rules for infantry is great because it forces the players to maneuver in lines of units supporting each other
4. The Morale Clock is a great idea : Starting at 9, it allows you to move 9 units or groups of units, but...See more
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Charles E October 20, 2018 9:29 pm UTC
As stated in the description there is a card deck used to set terrain. Players alternated in placing a card giving them an opportunity to try to provide terrain suitable for their own army. The deck also has Strategem cards. If one or more are drawn by a player they may select ONE strategem to use. If not used the card and any extra strategem cards are used for some limited terrain choices so no cards are "wasted". The cards give players a quick, simple, pre game chance to "maneuver" before the battle.

There are 3 scenarios with historic armies included, Caesar vs Nervii, Romans vs Carthage Trebia, Alexander vs Darius at Isses. Others may be created from history with a little research or you can design your own army for "imaginations". DBA army lists can provide a basis for creating larger historical forces.

Siege games are often draggy but AoH siege rules appear to apply the same easy mechanics as the open battle rules so will probably play well.
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August 08, 2022
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Greg Wagman
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