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Optolith Character GeneratorClick to magnify

Optolith Character Generator

Suggested Price €0,00

This is a character manager for TDE 5th Edition.


The provided files may differ in their version and thus their functionality.

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Depending on the system and release channel, different files may be relevant.

Windows macOS Linux
System Requirements Windows 10/11 macOS 10.15/11+ Ubuntu 12.04+, Fedora 21, Debian 8
Standard Version OptolithSetup_x.y.z.exe Optolith_x.y.z.dmg Optolith_x.y.z.AppImage or Optolith_x.y.z.tar.gz
Development Version OptolithInsiderSetup_x.y.z-a.b.exe OptolithInsider_x.y.z-a.b.dmg OptolithInsider_x.y.z-a.b.AppImage or OptolithInsider_x.y.z-a.b.tar.gz

The developer version may include newer features, but content may not be complete and undocumented errors may occur. I strongly recommend to join the Discord server if you use the development version, since only there you’ll get news. Use the standard version if you are not aware of the risks! You can use both versions independently and simultaneously.


Please report issues and feedback via Ulisses US Forum or via GitHub.

It would be AWESOME if you would follow the little guide for issue reporting on GitHub. This would make solving the issues a lot easier! Thanks! :)

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Customer avatar
Simon C June 01, 2023 11:05 pm UTC
Wyldrunner is missing from professions?
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Simon C June 01, 2023 11:21 pm UTC
No sorry it is there. but you need to be Experienced to choose it
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Gianluca S February 03, 2023 1:10 pm UTC
complimenti per il software. ho un problema. non riesco a installare la versione linux sul mio crhomeboock
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Lukas O February 03, 2023 2:12 pm UTC
(Tradotto con DeepL, dato che non parlo italiano:) Grazie! Per quanto ne so, è necessario prima attivare l'ambiente Linux in ChromeOS. Ma questo è tutto ciò che so, perché non possiedo un Chromebook e ne ho solo letto.
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Andreas W January 21, 2023 9:08 pm UTC
Ich habe das gleiche Problem wie Martin H. Wieso kann ich nach Auswahl der Kultur Ambosszwerg keinen Krieger, Söldner oder eine andere Kampfprofession wählen? Ich habe "Alle Professionen" eingestellt, trotzdem wird da nichts angeboten. Woran liegt es?
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Lukas O January 22, 2023 1:03 am UTC
Wahrscheinlich hast du einen zu niedrigen Erfahrungsgrad eingestellt, um das Professionspaket aktivieren zu können. Meistens sind hier die dadurch gegebenen Kampftechniken das Problem, da bei niedrigen Erfahrungsgraden diese nur ein geringes Maximum aufweisen und somit das Hinzufügen des Professionspakets ein Regelverstoß wäre.
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Martin H July 14, 2022 9:09 am UTC

Ich wollte mir einen Zwergenkrieger erstellen. Ich kann bei den Professionen jedoch keinen Krieger, bzw. einen Xorloschen Drachenkämpfer finden. Mach ich was falsch?

Schöne Grüße
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Lukas O July 14, 2022 9:12 am UTC
Moin Martin!

Du musst dafür wahrscheinlich „Übliche Professionen“ auf „Alle Professionen“ stellen, da „Übliche Professionen“ für Zwerge nur im Regelwerk definiert werden und ich damit andere Regelbände nicht einbeziehen kann. Und du musst natürlich das jeweilige Buch aktiviert haben, in dem die Profession enthalten ist – oder natürlich einfach alle Bücher aktiviert haben.

Viele Grüße
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Meghan M May 04, 2022 6:47 pm UTC
There are so many links to download which one do I download if I just want to calculate character? Our home rule is using 2,000 Adventure points.
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Lukas O May 14, 2022 12:36 pm UTC
Hi, sorry for my late reply, somehow I don’t receive e-mail notifications for this page.

The download depends on the OS you’re using and whether you want to install a stable version or a development version. The development version has the “Insider” suffix for its file names and I wouldn’t recommend using it. So if you’re on Windows you use OptolithSetup_v1.5.1.exe or Optolith_v1.5.1.dmg for macOS.

Optolith mainly targets groups that play without home rules. To start with 2000 AP, you should choose the next lower Experience Level, invest points until you have at most 10 left, finish character creation and then add the missing points via the “Add Adventure Points” button in the character profile. There is no direct option to manipulate the AP during character creation.
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Meghan M May 14, 2022 11:42 pm UTC
Thank you so much. Not receiving email notifications is frustrating.

I'm on Windows 10 I believe. I try to download the .exe and it is permanently "Preparing to download" And I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.

Thank you for your help!
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Lukas O June 13, 2022 5:06 pm UTC
Sorry again for the late reply … I hope I FINALLY fixed the notifications issue, otherwise, if I don't answer, you can contact me via Discord (link in description), or Orkenspalter forum (there's an English thread:

Concerning the issue:

Most likely you're not doing anything wrong. It just seems DriveThru is not that suited for software content – especially if they are that large. I'm getting those issues periodically, but I can't really do anything since this is on DriveThru's side and I can't distribute Optolith on other sites, since I use licensed content and Ulisses only allows distribution through the Scriptorium/DriveThru. So I can only "advise" you by suggesting to try to download again, maybe at different times. I'm sorry about this! :/

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Thomas B August 29, 2021 9:02 am UTC
Stupid question: is there a german version?
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Ulisses S August 29, 2021 9:26 am UTC
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PK L June 07, 2021 1:24 pm UTC
Please revise the installer so that you get a choice of where this installs. It automatically installed to my C: drive instead of giving me a choice (I install all nonessential programs to my D: drive.)
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Tobias L November 26, 2020 5:37 pm UTC
Aus irgendeinem Grund scheint der Download immer fehlzuschlagen.
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Lukas O November 27, 2020 3:28 pm UTC
Der Download hier aus dem Scriptorium? In dem Fall kann ich leider nicht wirklich weiterhelfen, da müsstest du dich sonst an Ulisses/DriveThru wenden. Ich kann ich nur die Sachen hochladen … :/
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Shaun B May 09, 2020 3:36 pm UTC
This is a great tool for creating Dark Eye characters. My only complaint is that the update process never works on Mac OS ... (for instance the upgrade to 1.3.2 downloads the update file and then fails with 'Server does not respond', previous versions have all reported different errors, but hardly any of them ever work). Not a big deal, it just means that you have to come here and download the full disk image again and install the new version.
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Lukas O May 17, 2020 10:46 pm UTC
Hi Shaun!

Sorry for my late reply, I still haven’t figured out why I don’t get notifications here... :/

Sadly, the macOS-Update is tied to a valid code signature – and I don’t have that, since I don’t have a Mac (yet), there’s only a small group of people using Optolith on Mac and for that small amount of people it’s quite expensive. I have to prevent those errors on Mac, though, until I can buy a Developer license.
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WILLIAM S March 26, 2021 9:33 pm UTC

Has there been any update on mac compatibility? It wont run at all because I get a message saying the OS doesn't recognize the publisher and can't verify that it's not malware.
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Lukas O March 31, 2021 5:02 pm UTC
Hi William,

I'm really sorry to say that, but no, I sadly can't afford that right now. You can exclude Optolith in the security settings for Gatekeeper, though. I know this is far from ideal, but I can't provide a better option right now! :/
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Michael M April 27, 2020 6:30 am UTC
I am really enjoying this program however I was curious if I am missing something. Is there a way to view everything after you finish a character as if it were on a character sheet?
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Lukas O May 01, 2020 11:02 am UTC
Hi Hays!

I'm sorry for the delayed answer! :x

To answer your question: Yes! You need to finish character creation first (0 < AP left < 10, button is in Profile -> Overview) and then you'll get the new tab Profile -> Character Sheet. You can preview your character sheet there and export it to a PDF.
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François C August 15, 2019 2:34 pm UTC
Is the french langage working ? Because i saw that in langage choices, but when i start again the app, this is down...
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Lukas O August 15, 2019 5:25 pm UTC
I'm sorry, no it's not. :( I forgot to disable the option! :/ The French version is WIP, but if we're lucky it should be ready soon! :)
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François C August 16, 2019 5:17 pm UTC
Ok. I'll be waiting. But i say again : you're app is very cool! I love it!
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Lukas O August 20, 2019 11:30 pm UTC
Thank you so much!! <3
Sadly, I don't speak French so I can't really post updates on that topic in French channels myself (except for anyone wants me to do it in English or German or using a translator), but I'm in contact with some people that can update the BBE forum for example if there are any news to share.
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Nick V August 06, 2018 10:32 am UTC
Great tool, thank you so much! Are there any updates coming up?
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Lukas O August 08, 2018 12:49 pm UTC
Thanks!!!!! :) Well, I'm currently working on an internal stability rework and after that I'm going to build "Groups", so that a GM can group his players' characters. Groups will also have some more features for GMs. This will basically be the next larger update, also containing heaps of bug fixes ^^ Depending on the time needed to build previously mentioned features, I might also have time to continue working on English localization, but I can't promise :/
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Bruno L April 10, 2018 1:28 pm UTC
Hello Lukas, a French version of your tool is possible. Please contact me for more details! Thanks!
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K.c. M April 08, 2018 4:33 pm UTC
Exactly what I was looking for. As a new TDE player there is a lot to take in for building a character. I found a few excel sheets that did the same thing, but this one is pretty streamlined for what it does. Great for building quick NPCs and managing my groups party (and checking their math).
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Wolf W December 12, 2017 9:46 pm UTC
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