Welcome to the HeXXen-Scriptorium!
The HeXXen Scriptorium is a program that allows you to create content (Adventure! Places! Monsters!, And More!) For HeXXen 1733 using the intellectual property of Ulisses Spiele. Create your own HeXXen 1733 titles according to the content guidelines of the program, upload your titles to the Ulisses e-book marketplace and share them with other HeXXen fans - so you can earn something and make others and yourself happy.
How do I start?
To participate, all you have to do is read the content policies and create your own content. Ulisses has provided creator resources to help make your titles look great.
Once you've created your title, visit the account page and look in the "My Content" section. There you will find the link "Add a new title". When you upload a new song, you must agree to a community content agreement with OneBookShelf. OneBookShelf is the US company that manages DriveThruRPG and under license from Ulisses www.ulisses-ebooks.de and manages the HeXXen Scriptorium program (also licensed by Ulisses Spiele).
After publication, all HeXXen Scriptorium content will be available at www.ulisses-ebooks.de. You can look up the sales history on the website, view reviews and fan discussions of your works, and deduct royalties through the PayPal service. To boost sales, we recommend an eye-catching cover image for your work and some public relations on social networks and other reputable media where you'll find HeXXen fans.
HeXXen-Scriptorium Title
To see what DSA fans have put together as part of the Scriptorium Aventuris program, check out the titles here.
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