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Ein Passionsspiel in ferner Zukunft
Wir schreiben das sechste Jahrtausend. Die Menschheit hat sich über die Sterne ausgebreitet und eine Republik der fortschrittlichen Technologie und universellen Emanzipation errichtet – und dann verspielte sie sie, kämpfte um sie und verlor sie. Als das Licht der Sterne langsam zu verblassen begann, brach ein neues Dunkles Zeitalter über die Inneren Welten... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Ein Passionsspiel in ferner Zukunft
Wir schreiben das sechste Jahrtausend. Die Menschheit breitete sich über die Sterne aus und errichtete eine Republik mit fortschrittlicher Technologie und universeller Emanzipation – und dann verschwendete sie sie, kämpfte um sie und verlor sie. Als das Licht der Sterne langsam zu verblassen begann, brach ein neues Dunkles Zeitalter über die Inneren Welten... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
 Perfekt für den schnellen Einstieg
Dieses Set enthält eine Reihe von Utensilien, die dich bei einem schnellen Start ebenso wie im Verlauf des Spiels unterstützen können:
Aktionsreferenzbuch: Ein praktisches Nachschlagewerk, das alle Fertigkeitsmanöver auflistet, einschließlich physischer Kampf- und Einflussangriffe und -verteidigungen.
Dramatis Personae: 16 illustrierte Charaktere mit Hintergründen... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
 Ein Passionsspiel in ferner Zukunft
Wir schreiben das sechste Jahrtausend. Die Menschheit breitete sich über die Sterne aus und errichtete eine Republik mit fortschrittlicher Technologie und universeller Emanzipation – und dann verschwendete sie sie, kämpfte um sie und verlor sie. Als das Licht der Sterne langsam zu verblassen begann, brach ein neues Dunkles Zeitalter über die Inneren Welten... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Weltraumpiraterie – eine Plage der interstellaren Gesellschaft! Eine Geißel, die kaum auszumerzen ist!
Die Grenze zwischen Piraten, Freibeutern, opportunistischen Abenteurern und Weltraumkapitänen, die Ressourcen für sich selbst unterschlagen, verlaufen fließend. Eine Gemeinsamkeit liegt jedoch darin, dass sie ein Auge auf Fracht, Infrastruktur und Handel geworfen haben und mutwillig Weltraumdepots,... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
A Far-Future Passion Play
It is the sixth millennium. Humanity spread across the stars and built a republic of advanced technology and universal emancipation — and then squandered it, fought over it, and lost it. As the light of the stars began to slowly fade, a New Dark Age descended upon the Known Worlds. Then, from the ashes of war and ruin, Emperor Alexius rose to power and ushered in a new... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Die Fürstenhäuser, die Kirche und die Handelsliga konspirieren, um alle Wege der Macht zu kontrollieren. Trotz jahrhundertelanger Herrschaft gelang es ihnen bislang jedoch nicht, wirklich alles unter ihre Kontrolle zu bringen. Einige kleinere Adelshäuser existieren noch immer, die sich an schwindende Lehen und verblassende Titel klammern und sich den Versuchen anderer Häuser... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
 Münze des Reichs
Irgendjemand muss den Papierkram erledigen, und die Kartellvögte machen das ziemlich gut – so gut, dass sie de facto die Banker der Inneren Welten und wahrscheinlich eine der reichsten Fraktionen des Universums sind. Nur wenige realisieren, wie reich sie durch ihre Kredite an Adelshäuser wirklich geworden sind. So ziemlich jeder schuldet den Kartellvögten Geld, und wenn ein... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
A Far-Future Passion Play
It is the sixth millennium. Humanity spread across the stars and built a republic of advanced technology and universal emancipation — and then squandered it, fought over it, and lost it. As the light of the stars began to slowly fade, a New Dark Age descended upon the Known Worlds. Then, from the ashes of war and ruin, Emperor Alexius rose to power and ushered in a new... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
 Das Gesetz des Himmels
Die Priester der Orthodoxie – von den pompösen Bischöfen der Hauptstädte bis hin zu den schlichten Priestern der ärmsten Lehen – sind überall auf den Inneren Welten zu finden. Obwohl die herrschende Sekte der Universellen Kirche für ihr geschicktes politisches Taktieren bekannt ist, wissen die meisten ihrer Priester nur wenig von solchen Dingen, sind sie doch viel... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
 Das große Spiel
Adlige, Priester und Kaufleute wetteifern ständig um die Vorherrschaft bei Intrigen, die unweigerlich zu riskanten Eskapaden – Entführungen, Rettungen, Raubüberfällen – für die, in ihren Netzen gefangenen Truppen, führen. Intrigen sind das täglich Brot für Adlige, die unendlich viel Zeit damit verbringen, ihre neuesten Schachzüge mit Elan und Stil zu planen. Priester... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
A Far-Future Passion Play
It is the sixth millennium. Humanity spread across the stars and built a republic of advanced technology and universal emancipation — and then squandered it, fought over it, and lost it. As the light of the stars began to slowly fade, a New Dark Age descended upon the Known Worlds. Then, from the ashes of war and ruin, Emperor Alexius rose to power and ushered in a new... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
 Das Brüllen des Löwen
Haus Hawkwood hat einen der ihren Imperator werden sehen, nur um von Alexius in dessen Bemühen, die Gunst aller Fürstenhäuser zu gewinnen, an den Rand gedrängt zu werden. Macht nichts! Die Hawkwoods sind im Angesicht der Wogen der Zeit und der Unruhen stets stoisch und unnachgiebig geblieben. Nachdem sie jahrhundertelang den Überfällen durch die Vuldrok widerstanden haben,... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
 Wir schreiben das sechste Jahrtausend. Als das Licht der Sterne langsam zu verblassen begann, brach ein neues Dunkles Zeitalter über die Inneren Welten herein. Dann, aus der Asche von Krieg und Zerstörung, stieg Imperator Alexius zur Macht auf und läutete eine neue Ära der Hoffnung ein. Charaktere: Addendum liefert dir Einblicke in das Thema Sternenschiffe, von den Schiffsklassen, inklusive Schiffssystemen... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
Yearning to Rise
The Royal Houses, the Church, and the Merchant League conspire to control all avenues of power. Despite centuries of rule, they just can’t manage it all. A number of minor noble houses still exist, clinging to dwindling fiefs and fading titles, resisting other houses’ attempts to subsume them. Smaller orders and sects strive to gain converts among the forlorn, forgotten, and heretical.... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
 Das Abenteuer ruft
Auf den Inneren Welten und darüber hinaus lauern zahlreiche Gefahren – die allesamt mit Hilfe der Tabellen in diesem stabilen, vierseitigen Sichtschirm überwunden werden können. Hierin sind die nützlichsten Regeln und Tabellen enthalten: Spielablauf, SP-Kosten, Widerstandswerte, Umweltbedingungen, Ränge und mehr. Ebenfalls enthalten sind Kartonchips für Siegpunkte und Wyrdpunkte,... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
 Die passenden Werkzeuge für den Job
Dieses Set bietet dir eine Reihe von Utensilien, um deine Erlebnisse am Spieltisch noch immersiver und spannender zu gestalten:
Sprungnetz-Karte und zentrale Spielmatte: Eine große Karte des Sprungnetzes der Inneren Welten, die auch als zentrale Spielmatte für den Siegpunkteverwaltung und die Truppenkasse dient.
Spieler-Matten: Fünf wunderschön illustrierte... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Sword of the Prophet
The Known Worlds’ most elite soldiers are also its most pious. Supremely disciplined training regimes and constant conflict forges these warrior monks into living weapons, the defenders of the Faith and the last line of defense against the Dark.
Includes: Threats Assessment, a report on the Known Worlds border conflicts, from Hargard to Hira to the Stigmata Garrison and the... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
The Stars Their Destination
The guild of merchants and pilots is renowned for its gaudily dressed hagglers and its intrepid space jockeys — as well as its monopoly on the production of jumpkeys needed for travel through the jumpgates. Star travel would be crippled without this efficient guild’s contributions, despite the cut it takes every step of the way. Charioteers are always the first to go... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
The Lion Roars
House Hawkwood saw one of its own become emperor, only to be sidelined by Alexius in his bid to win the favor of all the Royal Houses. No matter. The Hawkwoods have remained ever stoic and unyielding before the tides of time and trouble. After withstanding years of raids by the Vuldrok, it is their turn to expand into the barbarians’ worlds and take back their lost glory.
Includes:... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Coin of the Realm
Somebody’s got to do the paperwork, and the Reeves do it quite well — so well that they are the de facto bankers of the Known Worlds and probably one of the richest factions in the universe. Few realize just how wealthy they’ve become through their loans to noble houses. Just about everybody owes the Reeves, and when a Reeve comes calling in favors, few dare deny them: their... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
The Great Game
Nobles, priests, and merchants constantly vie for supremacy in a variety of intrigues that inevitably lead to risky escapades — kidnappings, rescues, heists — for troupes caught in their webs. Scheming is a daily regimen for nobles, who spend inordinate amounts of time planning their latest move with panache and style. Priests use the Pancreator’s Grace as a bartering chip to... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
The Right Tools for the Job
Herein is a collection of fun and illuminating play aids to spice up any Fading Suns game, including:
• Jumpweb Map & Central Play Mat: A large map of the jumpweb of the Known Worlds, which also serves as a central play mat for the victory-point well and troupe coffer.
• Player Mats: 5 lushly illustrated table mats that each player and gamemaster can use to track... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
The Fading Suns 4th edition rules presented in the Character Book provide a robust way to resolve all sorts of actions your characters might take, while giving players a lot of freedom for how they spend their resources (mainly, victory points).
But all those resources can prove a bit difficult to handle when you’re playing away from the table. Hence, this streamlined version of the rules! The goal... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
The Law of Heaven
Priests of the Orthodoxy — from the ostentatious bishops of the capital cities to the humble parish priests in the most poverty-stricken fiefs — are found throughout the Known Worlds. While this ruling sect of the Universal Church has gained a reputation for cunning political maneuvers, most of its priests know little of such things, being entirely too busy protecting the souls... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Einst strahlten die Sonnen hell wie Leuchtfeuer in der unendlichen Nacht des Alls und leuchteten der Menschheit ihren Weg voran. Die Sterne waren ein Sinnbild für das enorme Potential der Menschen, ein Ziel und eine Bestimmung, die sich im Fortschritt offenbaren. Dann begannen die Sonnen zu sterben – und mit ihnen die Hoffnung.
Wir schreiben das sechste Jahrtausend, und die Geschichte ist an ihrem... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
 Dieses Kartenset enthält über 300 Karten mit allen physischen, mentalen, sozialen und technologischen Zuständen, ebenso wie hilfreiche Referenzkarten für alle Vorzüge und Nachteile in Fading Suns Charaktere. ... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Adventure Beckons
The Known Worlds and beyond host many dangers — all of which can be resolved using the charts provided in this sturdy, four-panel Gamemaster Screen. Herein are the most useful rules and charts: sequence of play, VP costs, Resistance ratings, environmental conditions, ranks, and more. Also included are punch-sheet tokens for victory points and wyrd points, making it easy to gain... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Card Set State & Perks
This Card Set includes 307 Cards with all the physical, mental, social, and technological status effects, as well as handy reference cards for every perk in the Fading Suns Character Book. ... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Building on information from the Fading Suns: Pax Alexius Gamesmaster Book, this supplement expands on the area of the planet Hargard that surrounds the village of Yngmark, the setting for the "Nightmare in Yngmark" Drama.
It is intended to allow Gamesmasters to easily expand their campaigns from that initial story by introducing a variety of interesting locations, NPCs and potential plot... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
Deadly Adversaries… Worlds of Danger... Darkness Everywhere…
At the dawning of the sixth millennium A.D. an Emperor has claimed the Phoenix Throne and united the Known Worlds following three decades of interstellar civil war. Still, the peace is precarious and many forces threaten the Empire: ambitious nobles fight to increase their power; greedy merchants... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
There are many places in the Known Worlds where the righteous fear to tread. These Freeports and Pirate Havens are as pockets of society unto themselves. With their own laws, their own traditions.
Drexhavel is both a city and a prison, located on the island fief of Kriel, Leminkainen. A back water dumping ground used by the noble houses to dispose of those vocal and problematic individuals who will... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Theurgia Oblita presents over two dozen theurgy rites for priest characters, largely drawn from older editions.
This volume focuses on low-level rituals for immediate play. With sufficient interest, missing and higher-level rites will be added in future revisions.
Please sent any comments, questions, or errata to ... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Black Articles takes a look at the basics of piracy in the Known Worlds and examines the lost world of Pandora in light of 5020.
3 New Callings
2 New Capabilites
7 New Perks
Expose on the Cyber Pirates of Pandora. ... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
There are many places in the Known Worlds where the righteous fear to tread. These Freeports and Pirate Havens are as pockets of society unto themselves. With their own laws, their own traditions.
Long ago the Universal Church decreed that the jumpgate to the boundary between the ‘stellar sanctus’ – the domains of man – and ‘outer darkness’ – the realm of demons and worse. The Freeport... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
There are many places in the Known Worlds where the righteous fear to tread. These Freeports and Pirate Havens are as pockets of society unto themselves. With their own laws, their own traditions.
Hagz was once an al-Malik prison for war criminals, political dissidents, and undesirables. That was before the cataclysm when the Najahan comet struck with the force of doomsday weapon and turned the Dahab... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Nobles... Priests... Aliens... Knights
It is the dawn of the sixth millenium and the skies are darkening, for the suns themselves are fading. Humans reached the stars long ago, building a Republic of high technology and universal emancipation — and then squandered it, fought over it, and finally lost it.
Fading Suns is a saga of humanity’s fate among the stars... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Grail: Worlds of the Realm covers the basic geography and biodiversity of the planet Grail. Ruled by the minor noble house of Keddah, it is often considered a backwater and over looked. But Grail is an import site of pilgramage for those seeking to follow the travels of the Prophet, for it was on Grail that he was healed by Saint Amalthea, and here that the Sanctury Aeon Sect has it’s orgins. ... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Reavers of Grave introducing the lost world of Draxius and Lowell long lost city of refuge. A cursed place with accessable nightroads from Rampart and Leagueheim. For those people who love zombie space pirates!
1 New Calling, the Husk Hunter
3 New Perks
1 New Affliction
Expose on the lost world of Draxius and the Risen. ... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Nobles Priests Aliens Knights
It is the dawn of the sixth millennium and the skies are darkening, for the suns themselves are fading. Humans reached the stars long ago, building a Republic of high technology and universal emancipation—and then squandered it, fought over it, and finally lost it.
A New Dark Age has descended upon humanity, for the greatest of civilizations has fallen and now even... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
The Collected Imperial Survey
A deluxe, one-volume collection of the Imperial Survey series — including the new Imperial Fiefs survey.
Emperor Alexius has sent his Questing Knights forth to bring back reports from all quarters of the Known Worlds on the state of his empire. Each survey is a report written by a Questing Knight in a unique voice, and is suitable for both players and gamemasters.... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
In the far-future Fading Suns universe, might equals power. No one rules for long without military might to back him up - even the Patriarch has a fleet of battle cruisers! This book brings out the Known Worlds' most dangerous people and places with a bang, allowing gamemasters to put players in the middle of the bloodiest conflicts against the most feared warriors - including the Symbiot-fighting... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
The nobles and the Church may vie for the leadership and minds of the Known Worlders, but the merchants own the stars. Without their high-tech savvy or the loans from their coffers, travel and commerce could not take place. This book details the histories and modus operandi of the Merchant League guilds, from the weird Engineers to the stately Reeves. ... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
A valuable expansion to the Fading Suns rules, this big book includes new Blessings and Curses, Benefices and Afflictions, skills, occult powers, weapons, equipment and valuable rules expansions. In addition, there are new character roles: Knightly orders, Church sects, new religions, guilds, military units, details on sentient alien races and the genetically engineered Changed. A must for players... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
The 23rd edition of the original Lord Erbian's, verified by Imperial exchequer -- accept no imitation. Surveying the Known Worlds and beyond since 4732. The foremost guide to dangerous and intriguing zoology, xenology and cryptoxenology, including beasts and aliens real, imagined and devilish. Don't be taken in by false editions! Let the original and verified Lord Erbian's mentor your purchase or safari!... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
The quest is on: Emperor Alexius has sent the Company of the Phoenix to rediscover the lost worlds of the Second Republic, to reach once more for the stars and welcome humanity's distant kin into the fold of imperial destiny. But these worlds have been separated for centuries and greatly differ from the Known Worlds. Each answered the challenges of the Fall and intervening years in unique ways. Some... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
After the Fall of the Second Republic, many of the worlds of Human Space were lost behind sealed jumpgates. Only in the Known Worlds has civilization maintained a tenuous hold against a plunge into barbarism -- or so the nobles and Church would have others believe. In truth, other star-faring nations exist in fractured jumpwebs throughout space, and some of these distant kingdoms are no longer content... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
A compilation of two of the most popular (and out of print) Fading Suns sourcebooks: "Lords of the Known Worlds" and "Priests of the Celestial Sun." Includes 10 pages of new material.
Lords of the Known Worlds
Nobles are the unquestioned rulers of the universe. Few are privy to their lifestyles and secrets, and the great unwashed understand little of the perks (and problems) associated with... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
The Best of the Worst
Here is a rogues gallery of people and creatures from the Known Worlds and beyond: noble rivel, well-meaning (and not so well-meaning) priests, space pirates, deadly mercenaries, assassins, alien animals (pets and predators), bizarre creatures and more. Each has a story to tell and will lead player characters into intrigue and adventure. Each comes on its own sheet for ease of... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
With the Fall of the Second Republic, Science and Technology were brought low. The Church claims that these former monuments of human genius eclipsed the grace of the Pancreator with hubris, that humanity must but worship one god and not be beholden to the false totems of reason. In the New Dark Age, few dare ignite the fires of knowledge, to shed light into the dark places humanity once walked with... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |