Greetings friend, I am Maenda Moonlight, young witch par excellence. Now that we have been introduced, I really need to tell you what happened to me. Unsuspectingly, I received a letter from my good fellow witch Magda, asking me to visit her as soon as possible. Why, she did not say. But I could still ask her that in person. As soon as I set foot in the village of Misty Willow, there was no sign... [click here for more]
I created a game master sheet for tracking all game relevant stats of the player characters. Besides space for attributes, advantages and disadvantages, special abilitites and combat stats, it has also room for skills an spells (while I write down only skills that allow a quality level of 3 or higher). There's also some space for notes. The background is blank to optimise printing of the document.... [click here for more]
Avec les nouvelles règles détaillées sur la consommation de nourriture et les jeux à manger, ainsi que des règles optionnelles, vous pourrez compléter les règles disponibles dans les Accessoires du MJ : Auberges & Tarvernes pour recréer une atmosphère aussi vivante que captivante dans les tavernes visitées. ... [click here for more]