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One Death in Grangor - supplements

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Empfohlener Preis €1,40

This game supolement contains all kinds of useful documents to make the adventure "One Death in Grangor" more fun and to make life easier for the game master.

The  the document contains heavy spoilers for the adventure.

-A timeline that makes the complex plot more understandable (as accurate as possible).
-A directory of the Dramatis Personae. (portrait and landscape, suitable as GM screen inlays)
- Grangor map in colour-saving in black and white for the players

-Ticket for the opera - fillable, color and black and white
-Poster for opera performance, color and black and white
- a Page of the Grangoran Commercial Gazette
-de Vries "Actie" - fillable , color and black and white
-map of the battlefield with the Brekker gang , with and without square grid
-coat of arms of the family de Vries ( in 5 variants)
-Pilgrim's permit for the city of Grangor , colour and black and white
-Storage receipt for weapons and other items of the city of Grangor
- detailed floor plan of the Hortemann Mansion
Some of them are fillable pages (forms), so that the handouts can be sent to your
are adaptable to your needs. (Chrome or Adobe Reader support fillable forms)

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Thomas C December 17, 2019 2:44 pm UTC
Hello, for your information there is a bit of text that has not been translated in page 3 :
"Sveanlinja erfährt vom Einbruch bei sich und verlässt das Casino Rad und Becher"
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Thomas C December 17, 2019 4:10 pm UTC
Idem page 8 and 9 : "Pilgererlaubnis zum Betreten der Stadt, Beleg über eingelagerte Waffen"
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Wolf W December 18, 2019 11:56 pm UTC
thank you, I uploaded a fixed version
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Letzte Aktualisierung der Datei:
December 18, 2019
Dieses Produkt wurde am December 09, 2019 in unseren Katalog aufgenommen.