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Diese 13 Seiten lange PDF gibt der SL neue Werkzeuge und Optionen an die Hand, um die Reaktion der Realitätsplünderer auf den sich verstärkenden Widerstand der Zentralerde darzustellen! Sie enthält außerdem ein generelles Update dazu, was bis zum Ende von Jahr 1 passieren wird für Spielleiterinnen, die das Erscheinen der nächsten Quellenbücher gar nicht erwarten können.
Zudem gibt es Ratschläge,... [click here for more] |
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Die nächste Stufe für deine Storm Knights!
Die Sicherheitsstufen des Delphi-Rats haben nichts damit zu tun, welche Zugangsstufe der Charakter beim Rat hat oder welchen Rang er innehat. Stattdessen werden Feldeinsätze danach beurteilt, wie gefährlich und schwierig sie sind. Die Sicherheitsstufe der Agenten legt dann fest, welche dieser Einsätze sie vermutlich erfolgreich beenden und überleben... [click here for more] |
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The Day One adventures are meant to serve as an introduction to the game mechanics and unique realms of Torg Eternity. All across the world, the villainous Possibility Raiders have invaded Core Earth. Where they land, the laws of reality bend to resemble the strange worlds they came from - known as cosms in Torg Eternity.
Each adventure is set within the first 24 hours of this coordinated attack.... [click here for more] |
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This Quickstart is intended as a one hour introduction to the concepts and rules of Torg Eternity. It's designed to walk both the GM and the players through the rules together, adding layers as it goes. This gives a general feel for gameplay, but there are many more character options and realms to explore in the full game!
Playing requires:
1 Torg Eternity Drama Deck
At least one d20. Two or more... [click here for more] |
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SECRETS WITHIN THE RUBBLE! Ruins of the Living Land offers a deeper look into the crumbling cities inside Baruk Kaah‘s savage realm. Pockets of human refugees survive around hardpoints or adapt to the new world. New enemies lurk in the lush urban jungle, and powerful Eternity Shards are waiting for Storm Knights bold enough to find them.
Explore the remnants of the old world seeking danger, treasure,... [click here for more] |
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This 8 page PDF gives the GM new tools and options to represent the Reality Raider's response to stiffening resistance from Core Earth! This also contains general updates of what's happening by the end of Year 1 in the other Realms for GMs who can't wait for the upcoming sourcebooks, and advice for kicking up the danger in an Alpha Clearance mission to make it a challenge for a Beta Clearance group!... [click here for more] |
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Take your Storm Knights to the next level! This 8 page PDF details the Clearance Levels within the Delphi Council, and offers new character options and gear for those who have reached Beta Clearance. This is a preview of things to come, available for a first look now! ... [click here for more] |
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A simple, ink-friendly (black & white), form-fillable character sheet PDF for Torg Eternity. No macros, drop-downs, etc.
One page for basic character information, and then a second optional page with room for 10 spells, powers, miracles, complex Perks, pieces of cyberware, Slayer's Gun bullets, or what have you. ... [click here for more] |
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16 archetypes from various cosms. ... [click here for more] |
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This is a special adventure created for GenCon 2018. It determines the fate of the Mystery Men, whether they remain a factor within the Nile Empire after the death of Dr. Frest or they are eliminated to make way for new heroes. It also offers the first look at an alliance between High Lords. This is a Beta Clearance adventure, and the appropriately leveled Mystery Men themselves are included so you... [click here for more] |
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It's game time and you don't have an adventure ready? Fear not! With this tool, you'll have an adventure ready to go in no time. A simple half-dozen tables will give you the whole framework of a one-Act mission for your Storm Knights to tackle.
There's also a set of template-based Foe Generators, too! A few rolls, and you can take a functional template and fill it out with not only their own unique... [click here for more] |
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In jeder Realität von Torg Eternity gibt es das Böse in den unterschiedlichsten Ausprägungen. Das reicht von der Wildheit des Lebenden Landes über die Dunkelheit und blutige Eroberungsfeldzüge in Aysle, ruchlose Schurken im Nil-Imperium bis hin zu diabolischen Schrecken der Nacht in Orrorsh. Aber es gibt in Torg auch viele Themen, die dafür sorgen können, dass sich die Spieler und auch die SL... [click here for more] |
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Rooting out Orrorsh is a Torg: Eternity Adventure in 1 Act and 4 Scenes. It is designed for four to six Alpha Clearance Storm Knights, set in a Core Earth Dominant zone by day which becomes a Mixed Zone of Core Earth and Orrorsh by night. The run time for this adventure should be around 4 hours long.
This adventure adds one new creature, Eyes in the Mist, and an optional... [click here for more] |
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Ein kleines Handout
Die hier angegebenen Informationen sollen Spieler einen kurzen und schnellen Überblick über verschiedene Begrifflichkeiten bieten, ohne das Regelwerk durchblättern zu müssen. So können gerade die Kämpfe so schnell und actiongeladen wie möglich gespielt werden.
Vorteile und Nachteile der Dramakarten
Schaden... [click here for more] |
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The Reality War has begun. Fight it behind enemy lines.
Seven Realities have invaded Earth. While soldiers and civilians are fighting and dying on the frontlines, the only ones who can make a difference are the Storm Knights. They are the ones who bring the fight to the enemy, by crossing enemy lines, blowing up Reality Bomb factories and rescuing hostages of Invading corporations, by digging for... [click here for more] |
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For use with 'The Janus Agenda: Day One', or as generic day one characters, this product contains all the pregenerated characters from that adventure. They are each presented both as Ords and as Storm Knights, using the standard Torg Eternity character sheet format. ... [click here for more] |
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The Living Land has the highest spirit axiom in the game, and yet we know very little about the Jakatt religion. This supplement makes some changes to the realm in order to both explain more about the Keta Kalles religion as well as put it center stage in their story. Features a revised history for Lanala, Rec Stalek, and the High Lord Baruk Kaah, as well as new perks and miracles for players and NPCs... [click here for more] |
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Unlock the drama and embrace your destiny with these special decks for use with Torg Eternity.
Drama cards control the initiative and pacing of the game, and trigger pecial events during encounters, chases, or important tasks. Destiny cards allow the heroes to to bend reality and perform extraordinary feats. Cosm cards reinforce the World Law of a realm and provide an opportunity for rewards...... [click here for more] |
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Apex Predator
Avert the Cartoon Apocalypse In This Adventure for Torg Eternity
Something sinister is going on behind the doors of the Apex Novelty and Weapons factory in the cosm of Toonville. Can Earth‘s Storm Knights solve the mystery and put an end to the cross-dimensional war profiteering?
This three-act adventure starts with the Storm Knights on a Delphi Council mission in... [click here for more] |
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You can be the hunter, or you can be the hunted.
One of the alien realities that has invaded Core Earth is known as Orrorsh - a reality of horror come to life. From this grim reality comes the popular Monster Hunter archetype for Torg Eternity. This 34 page supplement adds additional material for Monster Hunter or Orrorsh characters.
36 New Perks... [click here for more] |
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Torg Eternity Game Mats
The TORG Eternity Game Mats assists players and game master with organizing the game during play and providing reference material. This set of mats includes:
Player's Mat with rules reference. Use tokens to track important player statistics like Shock, Wounds, and Possibilities.
Deck Mat which organizes all the draw and discard piles.
Dramatic Skill Resolution... [click here for more] |
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TORG Eternity Player's Mat
A Game Aide for players of all types.
The TORG Eternity Player's Mat assists players in keeping track of die rolls and Action Totals, Possibilities, Shock and Wound Damage, Stymied and Vulnerable conditions, and offers a place for cards playing into your card pool. The additional organization allows for players to quickly absorb the mechanics and concentrate on... [click here for more] |
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They came from other cosms—other realities—conquerors joined together to steal the Earth's living energy…to consume its possibilities. The Possibility Raiders brought with them their own realities, turning portions of our planet into someplace else.
High Lord Baruk Kaah, a lizard-like humanoid from a world called Takta Ker (which literally translates to "The Living Land"),... [click here for more] |
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Cartes de munitions permettant aux joueurs de facilement compter celles qui leur reste en cochant les munitions utilisées sur les cartes. Chaque carte représente un chargeur plein. ... [click here for more] |
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Des cartes d'équipement à fournir aux joueurs pendant le scénario jour un de la Terre vivante. ... [click here for more] |
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Finding informations on a vertical gamemaster screen is sometimes uneasy, I present you cheat cards to have practical informations on hand.
Parce que trouver les informations sur un écran de jeu vertical n'est pas toujours pratique, voici des cartes d'aide-mémoire au format carte de visite qui reprennent quelques informations pratiques en jeu. ... [click here for more] |
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dossier en 7 pages en français ... [click here for more] |
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Ce document propose un verso alternatif pour le maître de jeu en 2 versions : avec ou sans illustration.
Il est composé de 2 feuilles A3 (initialement prévu pour un format d’écran similaire à la première version de Torg).
Certaines règles (précisées dans le document) sont issues de la permière version de Torg. ... [click here for more] |
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fiche en français pour debutant alpha
16 fiches avec des fonds et des couleur differente par cosm, ou encore pour rendre les fiches differentes sur une table de nouveau joueurs. ... [click here for more] |
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This is a supplement to the Magical Treasures Table as found in the Aysle section of the GM’s Guide chapter. There are 4 more tables of random magic items to choose from. This makes for 75+ new items. ... [click here for more] |
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Scheda e Tappetto per iniziare a Torg ... [click here for more] |
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scheda in Italiano per Torg Eternity ... [click here for more] |
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Torg Adventure Game
Everyone can play! No Game Master required!
Cooperative board games like Gloomhaven or Shadows of Brimstone have big advantages. You can easily set them up and start playing, and you don't need a GM to guide the other players through the game. Their drawback on the other hand is that they have no real storyline and can feel a little dull and repetitive at times.... [click here for more] |
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The Possibility Wars have raged for almost a year. The Storm Knights are already a team that's been working together for weeks. They are stationed in Lincoln University, a hardpoint inside the Living Land. In fact, it's one of the last remaining hardpoints in Missouri. Edeinos raids overwhelmed and destroyed the others. The team's mission here was two-fold: defend the Core Earth foothold in the zone... [click here for more] |
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Hallo StormKnights,
als Besitzer eines Schwarz-Weiß-Druckers hatte ich schon häufiger das Problem, dass die Original-Charakterbögen leider etwas schwierig zu lesen sind. Darum hab ich es mir zur Aufgabe gemacht, einen SW-druckerfreundlichen Charakterbogen zu erstellen.
Look & Feel orientieren sich an den Originalbögen. An einigen Stellen habe ich Zusatzfelder... [click here for more] |
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Das Torganisierte Spiel ist keine Erfindung von uns sondern wir kopieren hier ein Konzept aus den USA. Dort haben sich mehrere Spielleiter zusammengefunden und sich ein Regelwerk ausgedacht, mit dem man Spielrunden in eine gemeinsame Welt packen kann. Also nicht nur vom Hintergrund sondern in einer Weise, dass die Charaktere in einer gemeinsamen Welt leben und in wechselnden Besetzungen auch miteinander... [click here for more] |
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