Illustrations Pack for use with the Infiniverse Exchange. See the Layout Kit here:
Use of art elements from this set is only permitted for works published in the Infiniverse Exchange. This publication must also include a copyright page with the following legal note.
The following text must be included in your publication (and has to be added... [click here for more]
This Word template provides a basic structure for laying out content for the Infiniverse Exchange in MS Word. It contains no macros. ... [click here for more]
They came from other cosms—other realities—conquerors joined together to steal the Earth's living energy…to consume its possibilities. The Possibility Raiders brought with them their own realities, turning portions of our planet into someplace else.
High Lord Baruk Kaah, a lizard-like humanoid from a world called Takta Ker (which literally translates to "The Living Land"),... [click here for more]
In jeder Realität von Torg Eternity gibt es das Böse in den unterschiedlichsten Ausprägungen. Das reicht von der Wildheit des Lebenden Landes über die Dunkelheit und blutige Eroberungsfeldzüge in Aysle, ruchlose Schurken im Nil-Imperium bis hin zu diabolischen Schrecken der Nacht in Orrorsh. Aber es gibt in Torg auch viele Themen, die dafür sorgen können, dass sich die Spieler und auch die SL... [click here for more]
This template for PagePlus X9 provides a framework for implementing the Infiniverse design for those not using InDesign. It includes master pages, page layouts, sample sidebars and tables and text style palette. It does not include the style information in the Layout Building Kit on how to make use of everything. ... [click here for more]