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 “Vampires are creatures of the Nameless One, fallen humans, cursed by the Lord Praios and his brothers and sisters. They crave blood, and all other food is bland to them. At night they lie in wait for unsuspecting people and sink their needle-sharp teeth into their victims’ necks.” —Lecture of the Inquisitor Praiowin of Gareth to warriors of the Order of the Banishing Ray, about 850... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Ob heilige Zeremonialgegenstände, ein schützendes Kettenhemd oder ein Pfeil mit Widerhaken - in vielen Situationen braucht ein Held die richtige Ausrüstung. Die Aventurische Rüstkammer II enthält über 150 Beschreibungen, Bilder und Einträge neuer Ausrüstungsgegenstände, Waffen, Rüstungen und Helme für Abenteurer. Neben diesen finden sich im Modul Features für Trefferzonen-Rüstungsschutz... [click here for more] |
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Spielplanset – Die Ära des Goldenen Kaisers Ein Kampf mit mehreren Beteiligten kann eine unübersichtliche Sache sein. Damit weder Spieler noch Spielleiterin den Überblick verlieren, bieten wir euch Spielpläne für Kampfschauplätze, auf denen ihr mit euren Spielmarkern oder Miniaturen die Positionen der Kämpfenden darstellen könnt, um Kämpfe und andere Szenen übersichtlich zu halten. Liegen... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
 Kriege werden nicht allein auf dem Schlachtfeld gewonnen. Nicht selten sind es die Taten Weniger, die im entscheidenden Augenblick über Sieg oder Niederlage bestimmen. Der Rabenkrieg beginnt und ihr seid mittendrin! Dieses Modul bildet den Auftakt für einen großangelegten militärischen Konflikt im aventurischen Süden. Die Zähne des Kaimans ist jedoch auch losgelöst aus dem Kampagnenhintergrund... [click here for more] |
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Mit dieser Regionalspielhilfe und dem umfangreichen Zusatzmaterial mit Inhalten der Rüstkammer der Sonnenküste und Glaube, Macht und Heldenmut, erhältst alles, was es für eine Kampagne in der Sonnenküste braucht. Neben einer ausführlichen Erläuterung der Eigenheiten der Region sowie des Lebens in Dörfern und Städten, enthält das Modul: Ein frei verortbares Labyrinth mit passendem Abenteuerszenario... [click here for more] |
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This is a character manager for TDE 5th Edition.
The provided files may differ in their version and thus their functionality.
Select a file
Depending on the system and release channel, different files may be relevant.
System Requirements
Windows 10/11
macOS 10.15/11+
Ubuntu 12.04+, Fedora... [click here for more] |
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Pay What You Want
The Dark Eye is a fantasy roleplaying game wherein you and your friends play the leading roles at the center of heroic action. Travel the land as a virtuous knight, elven ranger, or erudite mage. Rebuild the war weary Middenrealm, marvel at exotic wonders in the Lands of the Tulamydes, discover lost ruins in the steaming jungles of the South, or try to drive back the evil of the Shadowlands.... [click here for more] |
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Rahjade, a friend of yours and a priestess of Rahja, has contacted you to discreetly complete a task without anyone knowing.
The Chalice of Rahja, a powerful artifact with the magical ability to turn water into wine, has been stolen from the temple of Rahja, right during the Festival of Pleasures. Such news would bring chaos to the streets of Belhanka, and the temple cannot go through... [click here for more] |
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This is a collection of 40 digitally painted, full-colour portraits of Aventurian NPCs. Some of those are official characters, the others can be used however it suits your own campaign. They are meant to enrich and inspire your own version of the fascinating world of Aventuria. Your group is going to meet a blessed one of Boron or Hesinde? Or a mage? Or a female dwarf or elf? I have faces for you to... [click here for more] |
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A Far-Future Passion Play
It is the sixth millennium. Humanity spread across the stars and built a republic of advanced technology and universal emancipation — and then squandered it, fought over it, and lost it. As the light of the stars began to slowly fade, a New Dark Age descended upon the Known Worlds. Then, from the ashes of war and ruin, Emperor Alexius rose to power and ushered in a new... [click here for more] |
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The Gods are everywhere. Few people in Aventuria have not personally witnessed a Blessed One’s wondrous powers; consequently, most Aventurians believe in the gods without question. Servants of the Twelve provide advice and practical assistance to the faithful.
Gods of Aventuria focuses on the Blessed Ones of the Twelve and their important allies, the Blessed Ones of the demigods. It also shines... [click here for more] |
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Die junge Luisa lebt am Fuße des finstren Veitsbergs, als sie das Abenteuer ruft. Wird sie den Ruf hören? Und was findet sie im dunklen Wald? Was wollten die Fremden in ihrem Dorf?
Eine Kurzgeschichte für Hexxen 1733 ... [click here for more] |
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Jede Menge tolles Zeug!
Wenn du ein Fan von Torg Eternity bist und deinen Storm Knight mit interessanter und nützlicher Ausrüstung beladen möchtest, bist du hier genau richtig! Auf 20 vollgepackten Seiten bieten wir dir:
• Überarbeitete Regeln für Anfragen an den Delphi-Rat: Bei Anfragen an den Rat lassen die Grundregeln viele offene... [click here for more] |
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"When the blood of the fighting soaks the ground and the cheers of the victor drown out the lamentations of the vanquished, you can feel the breath of the Black Manikor." - Excerpt from the Khunchomer Codex
What challenges await a Servant of the Zealous Reaper outside of battle, and what demands does the Church place on an aspirant to the novitiate? How much command do the three highest Consecrated... [click here for more] |
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 Karte von Travar
Die neue Travar-Karte mit Ebenen auf deutsch und englisch. Der Ausdruck ist zu privaten Zwecken gestattet.
Map of Travar
The new map of Travat with layers (english and german). Printing is allowed for private use. ... [click here for more] |
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Experience the horrors and nightmares of Orrosh with this module for Foundry VTT. It’s without a doubt the most dangerous of the invading cosm.
Stop the evil plans of the Gaunt Man by becoming a hero in this gothic horror realm. Play a detective, occultist, monster slayer or Sacellum priest and don’t get turned into a villain by the Gaunt Man himself.
The module contains:
Five scenes, ready... [click here for more] |
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This is a collection of 50 hand-drawn maps for pen & paper RPGs (like The Dark Eye, obviously!) and it is intended as a resource for GMs. We all know the scenario: The group of heroes is traveling the world, coming through lots and lots of villages, little settlements and small towns—for almost none of which there is a map. Well, now there is! These maps are meant to be used for whatever you... [click here for more] |
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Willkommen in Aventurien
Dieses aufwändig illustrierte Bundle enthält sowohl die deutsche als auch die englische Version des Das Schwarze Auge - The Dark Eye 5. Edition Grundregelwerks, mit dem man die ganze Bandbreite von Aventurien erleben kann - einem der ältesten... [click here for more] |
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A Far-Future Passion Play
It is the sixth millennium. Humanity spread across the stars and built a republic of advanced technology and universal emancipation — and then squandered it, fought over it, and lost it. As the light of the stars began to slowly fade, a New Dark Age descended upon the Known Worlds. Then, from the ashes of war and ruin, Emperor Alexius rose to power and ushered in a new... [click here for more] |
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Explore the many facets of The Dark Eye with the Aventuria Almanac, your guide to the official setting for the fantasy role playing game. Immerse yourself in this exciting world and learn why the fantastic continent of Aventuria is like no other.
This indispensable guide is designed both for players and GMs. Explore the regions, kingdoms, and history of Aventuria in detail. Entries... [click here for more] |
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Hinweis: Dies ist ein Roll20 VTT Produkt
Willkommen in Aventurien
Dieses aufwändig illustrierte Bundle enthält sowohl die deutsche als auch die englische Version des Das Schwarze Auge - The Dark Eye 5. Edition Grundregelwerks, mit dem man die ganze Bandbreite von Aventurien erleben kann - einem der ältesten... [click here for more] |
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A Far-Future Passion Play
It is the sixth millennium. Humanity spread across the stars and built a republic of advanced technology and universal emancipation — and then squandered it, fought over it, and lost it. As the light of the stars began to slowly fade, a New Dark Age descended upon the Known Worlds. Then, from the ashes of war and ruin, Emperor Alexius rose to power and ushered in a new... [click here for more] |
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 Greetings to the Twelve
Kuslik lies at the mouth of the Yaquir into the Sea of the Seven Winds and is a free harbour. It is one of the oldest cities in Aventuria and served as an outer harbour of Bosparan after its foundation. Furthermore, Kuslik is the only city in Aventuria that is home to three mage academies
For updates and information on half-finished projects and other role-playing topics,... [click here for more] |
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 Greetings to the Twelve
Mirham lies on the eastern slope of the Rainy Mountains on the River Chamir and was founded as a Tulamid border post during the time of the Warring Kingdoms. After being destroyed and refounded in the meantime, the fortified palace city is now run by King Themodates II.
For updates and information on half-finished projects and other role-playing topics, visit my Instagram.... [click here for more] |
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This is a collection of 41 digital paintings dedicated to the 12 Alveranian Gods of Aventuria and their children. I meant to atmospherically capture different aspects of those gods in different ways. Some of these paintings might be places you can come across in your adventures, some might be oil paintings hanging on a temple wall. They are meant to be an inspiration for your journey through the world... [click here for more] |
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Pay What You Want
Ralf Kurtsiefer and his creative team from the Orkpack label are proud to present this CD, designed especially for Torg Eternity. This audio CD explores the varied cosms and landscapes of the Possibility Wars in musical form.
Explore the dark caves of Aysle, the misty jungles of the Living Land, the heroic action of Core Earth. All of these and more weave together to form the greater backdrop of adventure... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
This is a part two of the portraits project that provides you with 40 more full-color portraits of Aventurian NPCs. These faces are meant to enhance your TDE experience by serving as a visual aid for people you meet in your adventures. Included are mostly humans (several Blessed Ones, actually) but also elves, an orc, a djinni and a fairy. You never know whom of these you might soon meet with your... [click here for more] |
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Yearning to Rise
The Royal Houses, the Church, and the Merchant League conspire to control all avenues of power. Despite centuries of rule, they just can’t manage it all. A number of minor noble houses still exist, clinging to dwindling fiefs and fading titles, resisting other houses’ attempts to subsume them. Smaller orders and sects strive to gain converts among the forlorn, forgotten, and heretical.... [click here for more] |
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At some point, everyone dreams of being able to fly, look through walls, or move unseen. Now your character can do all these things and more! Magic of Aventuria offers a wealth of new rules, including new spells, Traditions, archetypes, magical special abilities, and casting styles to help you create the perfect mage character.
Learn new staff enchantments and magical actions, and study ways to combine... [click here for more] |
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As heroes of The Dark Eye you constantly face new adventures and gain precious experience, which improves your skills. You also gain riches and come to possess valuable artifacts and other pieces of equipment. On your journeys you will meet numerous friends and foes, all of whom will undergo similar changes. The Dark Eye character sheets let you keep track of these important details. ... [click here for more] |
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The Pan-Pacifica Sourcebook details a Cosm of corporate intrigue and ruthless competition, where a handshake upfront often distracts just long enough to land a knife in the back. Direct power is too visible, so soft control is exerted through social means – such as universal basic income and apps on the ubiquitous Zuzu smartphone. Well-placed character assassinations... [click here for more] |
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Pretty much every DM probably experienced this at some point: You’re preparing the next location your players will come across and you’re looking for pictures on the internet to enhance your visual descriptions of the place. When it comes to the residents, though, it usually gets difficult: There are some portraits to be found for shining heroes or obvious villains, but almost everyone is super... [click here for more] |
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Pay What You Want
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Pay What You Want
 The Dark Eye is an award winning fantasy role-playing game with a rich history and uniqulely detailed world. Discover the Middle Kingdom, weakened by many wars, the exotic lands of the Tulamids, the steaming jungles of the south or the dark lands of shadow. Together you can free innocent victims from the hands of Nameless cultists, experience intrigues at the court of the Empress or support threatened... [click here for more] |
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 Aysle is ruled by High Lord Uthorion and his armies of Darkness. It has taken over Great Britain and Scandinavia, and is encroaching into Europe.
Aysle invaded from below, digging up from dungeons and tunnels between the realms. Now any basement in the realm might be a doorway to underground adventures and treasure. The seas and skies have filled with dragons and other beasts.
Six scenes, ready for... [click here for more] |
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The Lost Barrow is an introductory adventure for the Myth: Tales of Legend Roleplaying Game. A small town is suffering under a dreadful curse, beset by monsters and malaise. A barrow from the Age of Legends may be the source. Can your heroes discover the secret of the Lost Barrow and break the evil curse?
This quickstart booklet is an introduction to Myth: Tales of Legend and includes a set of... [click here for more] |
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Demon hunter. Chimera killer. Dragon slayer. Titles that bring honor and glory... But to claim one of these awe-inspiring titles, heroes must defeat these beasts.
Horrifying and deadly monsters lurk in the forests, swamps, and jungles of Aventuria. To creatures such as these, heroes are little more than food, and whoever gets too close may fall prey to venomous fangs, razor-sharp claws, or worse.... [click here for more] |
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The Aventuria Armory presents a fantastic array of useful gear and new rules for your Dark Eye campaigns.
Equipment listings reveal new details and game benefits for everyday items such as crowbars, astrolabes, and mage’s robes. New hit zone rules allow characters to wear a mix of armor types, whether out of necessity or simply to suit a personal sense of style. Defend yourself... [click here for more] |
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Sword of the Prophet
The Known Worlds’ most elite soldiers are also its most pious. Supremely disciplined training regimes and constant conflict forges these warrior monks into living weapons, the defenders of the Faith and the last line of defense against the Dark.
Includes: Threats Assessment, a report on the Known Worlds border conflicts, from Hargard to Hira to the Stigmata Garrison and the... [click here for more] |
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The Stars Their Destination
The guild of merchants and pilots is renowned for its gaudily dressed hagglers and its intrepid space jockeys — as well as its monopoly on the production of jumpkeys needed for travel through the jumpgates. Star travel would be crippled without this efficient guild’s contributions, despite the cut it takes every step of the way. Charioteers are always the first to go... [click here for more] |
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As part 2 of the series, this is a collection of 45 individual, hand-drawn maps to be used as visual aids in your campaign of The Dark Eye. Each map is included in 2 versions: a printer-friendly black and white one and a parchment-style version that suits the fantasy setting more. While I made these maps for The Dark Eye universe, they can just as well be used for any other medieval-ish... [click here for more] |
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This screen contains three panels with the most common tables and modifiers a GM may need when running Torg Eternity within Pan-Pacifica. Also included are summaries of the world laws, GeneMod armor, weapons and enhancements, and bioserums, for running or creating adventures in a near-future setting of martial artists and corporate betrayal.
Inside are... [click here for more] |
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simple character sheet for the dark eye. optimized print at home use. there are fillable pdf forms included. ... [click here for more] |
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A character generator for TDE 5.
Available for macOS, Linux and Windows.
Supports the following rule books:
Aventuria Almanac
Aventuria Armory
Aventuria Bestiary
Aventuria Compendium
Magic of Aventuria
Gods of Aventuria
Inns & Taverns
The Warring Kingdoms
Since 11.5 it is possible to add custom (dis)advantages, special abilities, combat techniques, spells and liturgical chants... [click here for more] |
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Contains new cards to expand and enhance your Myth: Classic or Myth: Dawn of Heroes experience!
Challenge yourself with 6 new monster variant cards! ... [click here for more] |
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Festum in Firun 1040 FB. Despite the bitterness of winter, the noble diet attracts Bronnjars from all parts of the Bornland. The noble marshal Nadjescha hopes to be confirmed in office, while notable and bizarre rivals are getting ready to challenge her. At the same time, a new Korian cult is spreading in the city. Whilst the cult‘s leader is only too well known to the heroes, her connection to the... [click here for more] |
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A dark secret looms like a shadow over the Castle of Lejenfels, which overlooks a remote valley in the snowcovered Nordwalser Heights of the Bornland.
Since the death of his wife many years ago, the Nobleman Tirulf of Lejenfels has changed—he spends most of the year withdrawn and in communion with the gods, so they say.
However, when the heroes escort the noblewoman Janne of Tritzow to the Nobleman’s... [click here for more] |
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Aventurisches Götterwirken
Aventurisches Götterwirken ist ein Regelerweiterungsband für DSA5, der sich den aventurischen Geweihten widmet. Alle Geweihten des Zwölfgötterpantheons und der bekanntesten Halbgötter werden ausführlich beschrieben. Dazu gehört auch ein Blick auf die jeweilige Kirchenstruktur und -hierarchie... [click here for more] |
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The Spring Festival
By Samuel Defaye
Translator : Bruno Lalonde
Each year the Spring Festival attracts curious and pie lovers from the whole region in Honeyberryfield. Whether they are natives of the village or just passing through, the heroes enjoy the festivities, marveling at the delicious specialties and local crafts. Famous for its pies, none are offered on the festival market.... [click here for more] |
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The Lion Roars
House Hawkwood saw one of its own become emperor, only to be sidelined by Alexius in his bid to win the favor of all the Royal Houses. No matter. The Hawkwoods have remained ever stoic and unyielding before the tides of time and trouble. After withstanding years of raids by the Vuldrok, it is their turn to expand into the barbarians’ worlds and take back their lost glory.
Includes:... [click here for more] |
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