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Werwolf - Die Apokalypse - W20-Jubiläumsausgabe - Grundregelbuch als PDF

Werwolf - Die Apokalypse - W20-Jubiläumsausgabe - Grundregelbuch als PDF

Werwolf – Die Apokalypse ist zurück! Gut 20 Jahre, nachdem die Werwölfe erstmals auch in Deutschland erschienen, kehren die Garou wieder – und sind noch zorniger als je zuvor. In der neuen Jubiläumsausgabe von Werwolf – Die Apokalypse schlüpfen die Spieler in die Rollen von Gestaltwandlern, die sich selbst als Krieger gegen die Gräuel der modernen Welt betrachten. Sie kämpfen gegen gewissenlose...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €39,99

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Vampire V20 - Die gejagten Jäger 2 (PDF) als Download kaufen

Vampire V20 - Die gejagten Jäger 2 (PDF) als Download kaufen

Die meisten Sterblichen wenden sich von der Dunkelheit ab, die ihnen auflauert, und leben in einer verzweifelten Furcht vor den Verdammten und dem, was sie der Welt antun. Doch ein paar wenige führen einen sehr persönlichen Krieg, um Licht in die Schatten zu werfen und sie zurückzudrängen wie einsame Kerzen in der Nacht. Der Weg des Jägers ist einsam und voller Gefahr, zugleich bedrängt von den...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €24,99

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V5 - Vampire - Das Buch Nod (PDF) als Download kaufen

V5 - Vampire - Das Buch Nod (PDF) als Download kaufen

Die Legenden der Untoten Die ersten Vampire erinnern sich an ihre ersten Nächte, aber sprechen nicht darüber. Anderen sind Geschichten zu Ohren gekommen, denen sie jedoch keinen Glauben schenken. Die Weisen sprechen vom Buch Nod, doch niemand hat dieses legendäre Buch uralter Geheimnisse jemals mit eigenen Augen gesehen. Dies ist ihre Geschichte Die Geschichte der Vampire beginnt mit der Chronik...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €24,99

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Werwolf - Die Apokalypse - W20-Jubiläumsausgabe - Pentex - Handbuch zur Angestelltenschulung (PDF) als Download kaufen

Werwolf - Die Apokalypse - W20-Jubiläumsausgabe - Pentex - Handbuch zur Angestelltenschulung (PDF) als Download kaufen

PROTOKOLLE UND PROZEDUREN Das Pentex Handbuch zur Angestelltenschulung ist das Gold-Standard-Handbuch für die Angestellten des großartigsten weltweiten Konzerns und zahlreiche seiner angeschlossenen Konzerne. In diesem Buch finden Sie das eigentliche Handbuch für Angestellte, einen Leitfaden für den Umgang mit Werwölfen, und die Handbücher für unsere diesjährigen, besten Töchter. ERWISCHT!...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €9,99

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Werwolf - Die Apokalypse - W20-Jubiläumsausgabe - Weiße Heuler Stammesbuch (PDF) als Download kaufen

Werwolf - Die Apokalypse - W20-Jubiläumsausgabe - Weiße Heuler Stammesbuch (PDF) als Download kaufen

Jeder kennt die Geschichte der Weißen Heuler. Garou, so stolz, dass sie sich selbst ins Maul des Wyrm warfen in der Hoffnung, ihn von Innen heraus zu vernichten. Sie vernichteten ihn nicht und er vernichtete sie nicht. Dennoch sollte man sich an die Weißen Heuler erinnern, sowohl an das, was sie in der Vergangenheit darstellten, als auch an das, was aus ihnen wurde. Aber das ist nicht ihre Geschichte....   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €9,99

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Fading Suns Game Master's Guide (Revised Edition)

Fading Suns Game Master's Guide (Revised Edition)

Deadly Adversaries… Worlds of Danger... Darkness Everywhere… At the dawning of the sixth millennium A.D. an Emperor has claimed the Phoenix Throne and united the Known Worlds following three decades of interstellar civil war. Still, the peace is precarious and many forces threaten the Empire: ambitious nobles fight to increase their power; greedy merchants...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €18,02

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Torg: Nippon Tech

Torg: Nippon Tech

A realm of intrigue, deception and death comes to Earth ... The Possibility Wars spread across the face of Earth in the Near Now, twisting and transforming our reality into that of someplace else.   In the mysterious realm of Nippon, a new kind of High Lord holds sway-one who relies on secrecy and stealth rather than open warfare to achieve...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €8,10

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Fading Suns Player's Guide (Revised Edition)

Fading Suns Player's Guide (Revised Edition)

Nobles... Priests... Aliens... Knights It is the dawn of the sixth millenium and the skies are darkening, for the suns themselves are fading. Humans reached the stars long ago, building a Republic of high technology and universal emancipation — and then squandered it, fought over it, and finally lost it. Fading Suns is a saga of humanity’s fate among the stars...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €18,02

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Torg: A More Perfect Union

Torg: A More Perfect Union

A More Perfect Union an adventure for Torg 1.5 Revised and Expanded The War is over, but the need for heroes is greater than ever. The United States, weary from a half decade of battle, picks up the pieces with a new president. A new capital A new plan. But the leader of the free world isn't the only one with a vision in the post-war reality. Who is the Visionary? What are...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €6,30

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Fading Suns Rulebook (Second Edition, Revised)

Fading Suns Rulebook (Second Edition, Revised)

Nobles Priests Aliens Knights It is the dawn of the sixth millennium and the skies are darkening, for the suns themselves are fading. Humans reached the stars long ago, building a Republic of high technology and universal emancipation—and then squandered it, fought over it, and finally lost it. A New Dark Age has descended upon humanity, for the greatest of civilizations has fallen and now even...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €18,02

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Fading Suns: Worlds of the Realm

Fading Suns: Worlds of the Realm

The Collected Imperial Survey A deluxe, one-volume collection of the Imperial Survey series — including the new Imperial Fiefs survey. Emperor Alexius has sent his Questing Knights forth to bring back reports from all quarters of the Known Worlds on the state of his empire. Each survey is a report written by a Questing Knight in a unique voice, and is suitable for both players and gamemasters....   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €11,71

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Fading Suns: Legions of the Empire

Fading Suns: Legions of the Empire

In the far-future Fading Suns universe, might equals power. No one rules for long without military might to back him up - even the Patriarch has a fleet of battle cruisers! This book brings out the Known Worlds' most dangerous people and places with a bang, allowing gamemasters to put players in the middle of the bloodiest conflicts against the most feared warriors - including the Symbiot-fighting...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €9,01

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Fading Suns: Merchants of the Jumpweb

Fading Suns: Merchants of the Jumpweb

The nobles and the Church may vie for the leadership and minds of the Known Worlders, but the merchants own the stars. Without their high-tech savvy or the loans from their coffers, travel and commerce could not take place. This book details the histories and modus operandi of the Merchant League guilds, from the weird Engineers to the stately Reeves. ...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €9,01

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Fading Suns: Sinners & Saints

Fading Suns: Sinners & Saints

The Best of the Worst Here is a rogues gallery of people and creatures from the Known Worlds and beyond: noble rivel, well-meaning (and not so well-meaning) priests, space pirates, deadly mercenaries, assassins, alien animals (pets and predators), bizarre creatures and more. Each has a story to tell and will lead player characters into intrigue and adventure. Each comes on its own sheet for ease of...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €7,20

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Fading Suns: Lost Worlds: Star Crusade 2

Fading Suns: Lost Worlds: Star Crusade 2

The quest is on: Emperor Alexius has sent the Company of the Phoenix to rediscover the lost worlds of the Second Republic, to reach once more for the stars and welcome humanity's distant kin into the fold of imperial destiny. But these worlds have been separated for centuries and greatly differ from the Known Worlds. Each answered the challenges of the Fall and intervening years in unique ways. Some...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €9,01

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Fading Suns: Star Crusade

Fading Suns: Star Crusade

After the Fall of the Second Republic, many of the worlds of Human Space were lost behind sealed jumpgates. Only in the Known Worlds has civilization maintained a tenuous hold against a plunge into barbarism -- or so the nobles and Church would have others believe. In truth, other star-faring nations exist in fractured jumpwebs throughout space, and some of these distant kingdoms are no longer content...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €10,81

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Fading Suns Players Companion

Fading Suns Players Companion

A valuable expansion to the Fading Suns rules, this big book includes new Blessings and Curses, Benefices and Afflictions, skills, occult powers, weapons, equipment and valuable rules expansions. In addition, there are new character roles: Knightly orders, Church sects, new religions, guilds, military units, details on sentient alien races and the genetically engineered Changed. A must for players...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €10,81

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Fading Suns: Lords & Priests

Fading Suns: Lords & Priests

A compilation of two of the most popular (and out of print) Fading Suns sourcebooks: "Lords of the Known Worlds" and "Priests of the Celestial Sun." Includes 10 pages of new material. Lords of the Known Worlds Nobles are the unquestioned rulers of the universe. Few are privy to their lifestyles and secrets, and the great unwashed understand little of the perks (and problems) associated with...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €11,71

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Fading Suns: Lord Erbian's Stellar Bestiary

Fading Suns: Lord Erbian's Stellar Bestiary

The 23rd edition of the original Lord Erbian's, verified by Imperial exchequer -- accept no imitation. Surveying the Known Worlds and beyond since 4732. The foremost guide to dangerous and intriguing zoology, xenology and cryptoxenology, including beasts and aliens real, imagined and devilish. Don't be taken in by false editions! Let the original and verified Lord Erbian's mentor your purchase or safari!...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €9,01

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Fading Suns: Aliens & Deviltry

Fading Suns: Aliens & Deviltry

Aliens & Deviltry re-presents two classic Fading Suns sourcebooks, each with d20 System rules (these rules require the use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Players Handbook, Third Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast®). CHILDREN OF THE GODS: OBUN & UKAR One of the earliest sentient races humanity discovered was the Ur-Obun — peaceful and wise philosophers. Soon after, humanity...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €9,01

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Fading Suns: d20 Character Codex

Fading Suns: d20 Character Codex

Player characters come from all walks of life: nobles, priests, guildsmen, aliens and barbarians. Now, they can come from even more freakish backgrounds! The Fading Suns: d20 Character Codex is an invaluable expansion to the Fading Suns: d20 rules. It includes alien races, the Changed (genetically engineered mutants), prestige classes (the True Knight, the Saint, the Talent, the Phoenix Guardsman,...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €10,81

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Fading Suns: War in the Heavens: Hegemony

Fading Suns: War in the Heavens: Hegemony

Ever since the Vau gave humanity its first setback among the stars, their space has been shut to prying eyes. For a brief moment, however, it has opened - long enough for the most daring to catch a glimpse. But the daring need as much wisdom as courage, for encounters with the Vau teach that things are not always what they seem. Included in this volume: Book One: Inception - A sourcebook explaining...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €9,01

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Fading Suns Shards Collection Volume One

Fading Suns Shards Collection Volume One

A ROAD SO DARK In this adventure, the characters research a previously unknown night road between Leagueheim and Grail, following a trail of evidence to an artifact invaluable to their employer... KRAKEN'S LOOM In this adventure, the characters search for a Hawkwood Count, a prominent diplomat whose ship was lost in the outer reaches of the Leminkainen system. The...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €13,51

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Fading Suns: Byzantium Secundus

Fading Suns: Byzantium Secundus

Beacon of Hope, Sanctuary of Shadows Byzantium Secundus - the center of the Known Worlds and seat of the Empire. There is no more important or intrigue-laden world, for here the fates of millions are determined. The destiny of humanity is in the hands of the royal ambassadors, Church fathers, merchant princes, alien envoys and underground conspiracy groups all vying for the Emperor's attention and...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €8,10

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Fading Suns: Forbidden Lore: Technology

Fading Suns: Forbidden Lore: Technology

  Crucible of Progress - or Engine of Sin? Technology in the Known Worlds is not what it once was. Science fell from its pinnicle with the rise of feudal lords and superstitious priests, stamped out by ignorance and fear. Few now dare to ignite the fires of progress, to build anew. Instead, engineers pick over the bones of the past to revive ancient war machines for their masters. Visionaries are...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €6,30

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Fading Suns: Weird Places

Fading Suns: Weird Places

Stella Incognita Explore the Fading Suns universe: Roam the strange fields of Pentateuch, a planet terraformed with occult laws. Discover a secret Lost World hiding a powerful artifact sought by all. Uncover a hidden barbarian fortress on Kurga. Ship out to Bannockburn to halt a deadly Symbiot excursion. Search the haunted chapel of Manitou for lost lore. Shop the stalls of the eclectic...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €5,40

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Fading Suns: Heretics & Outsiders

Fading Suns: Heretics & Outsiders

  Threats to Crown and SoulThe Known Worlds are rife with those who refuse to follow the social order. Whether practicing their rebellion in private or fomenting public revolt, these malcontents threaten the powers-that-be. Heretics refuse to follow the Church's doctrines of proper faith, and so risk their own souls and those of others through their example. Psychics plot to overthrow...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €8,10

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Fading Suns: Into the Dark

Fading Suns: Into the Dark

Every Known Worlds peasant and priest knows to fear the unseen powers of the Dark, the nemesis of the Empyrean Light. So why do so many adventurers seek out the unknown, unexplored regions of space, risking their lives and souls for material gain? Are they insane? Stupid? Or are they fearless foes of ignorance and superstition? Perhaps all of these things at once. Into the Dark provides five meaty...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €9,01

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Fading Suns: Orphaned Races: Ascorbites & Hironem

Fading Suns: Orphaned Races: Ascorbites & Hironem

"If there's one thing I've learned in my years as a merc, it's stay away from the Bugs and Lizards. They're both hidin' somethin'!" Orphaned Races examines two of the sentient races of the Fading Suns universe: The insectoid Ascorbites and the reptilian Hironem. The Ascorbites, native to the Decados-ruled jungle planet of Severus, are perhaps the least understood race in the Known Worlds. Their alien...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €9,01

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Fading Suns: Spies & Revolutionaries

Fading Suns: Spies & Revolutionaries

Notes from the Interstellar Underground Blur suits and wireblades now complement the cloaks and daggers of the past. In the 51st century, spies are a necessary evil. Without their deft fieldwork and cunning intelligence, noble reigns would topple and guild monopolies crumble. Although small in number and incognito in guise, these spies daily betray trusts, seed lies and mistruths,...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €9,01

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Fading Suns: Vorox

Fading Suns: Vorox

A Vorox stands nearly 10 feet tall, bristling with six limbs (each usable as a hand or foot), a full set of fangs, a superb sense of smell, and an uncouth attitude which gets worse the hungrier it gets. Noble Vorox (and their untamed cousins in the wild) even bear poison claws capable of paralyzing prey in mere minutes. What's more, Vorox travel in packs. And they're still not the premier predators...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €7,20

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Fading Suns: War in the Heavens: Lifeweb

Fading Suns: War in the Heavens: Lifeweb

The first in an epic trilogy, "Lifeweb" details the Symbiots, explaining for the first time who and what they are, from their beginnings on the wilderness world of Chernobog to their modern starfaring empire, carving worlds from human space. Also included is an adventure pitting player characters against Symbiots, with the fate of the Empire at stake. ...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  €9,01

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